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Wongil Jeon   South Korea

Wongil Jeon has produced a series of miniature flower assemblages using discarded and found fragments that he finds interesting during his daily walks. The materials include nails, plastic, pottery shards, wood, any materials. Titled “I Offer You a Flower” Wongil Jeon’s tiny flower assemblages are photographed in his hand. The many veins, lines and passages on his hand form a humanistic backdrop to these forgotten and discarded sidewalk, path and nature jewels… an expression of humanistic values in microcosm. Caught in time, documented as photographs, these tiny flower assemblages will be installed and exhibited as a series of 32 photographs in the individual panels of two traditional Japanese doors in or near to the Tsukuba Arts Center. For his site-specific installation, Wongil Jeon found a tree whose branch outlines and structure had a rare beauty. Titled “The Tails of a Typhoon – Invisible Relationship” the installation has a series of horizontal blue sections of wood delicately balanced like symbolic horizon lines on the branches of this tree. The placement of each blue stick follows the direction of each tree branch, so they may cross over, so the arrangement is multi-directional. At the end of each sky blue wooden piece a tail is attached, whose white plastic endings recall the cloud traces that appear and disappear in the blue skies the day after a typhoon such as the recent typhoon Lana has passed over Tsukuba and the Ibaraki Prefecture… These blue horizons move ever so slightly in the wind. Following the tree’s shape is to follow nature’s ecological and environment specific conditions, so Wongil Jeon’s work embodies a harmony and co-exostent relation between artist and nature. Between the trees in the forest interior, bridging the trees Evelyn Muursepp’s fine red filaments of thread are light catchers with delicate poetic geometries and patterns. The variations are like designed notes that contrast the natural wood colours brilliantly. Here, art has a time space presence.                     John K Grande

© 2013 since Tsukuba Art Center

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